Our Classes.

  • LEO Range Day

    LEO Range Day is a day of training provided free of charge to Law Enforcement Officers. This training day is geared towards collaboration between departments and providing officers training beyond academy and department standards.

  • KTAC Gunfighter

    This class is an advanced class encompassing first line Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) and dynamic pistol and rifle. This class is designed to be a high-level training course that pushes beyond static flat range shooting and also incorporates post engagement medical.

  • Vehicle Combat

    This class is designed to delve into the reality of fighting in, through, and around a vehicle. This class will include a lab of vehicle ballistics then incorporating the data learned into drills simulating engagements from the vehicle. This class will involve shooting while seated, using the vehicle from various positions as cover / concealment, and shooting from inside and around the vehicle.

  • Low light / No light Principles

    This class will explore the fundamentals and principles behind shooting in a reduced light or no light environment. Students will shoot using the lighting conditions afforded by the environment, shoot with the introduction of artificial light, and explore the idea of photonic barriers.

    Instruction will include methods and principles of handheld and weapon based lights as well as concealed and overt carry options.

  • Intro to Firearms Seminar

    This class is a one day seminar designed to familiarize new shooters to firearms in a classroom, no-stress environment. Students will receive instruction on common firearms to include, pistol, rifle, and carbine. This is an entry level class that does not contain any live fire- perfect for first time shooters looking to familiarize and build confidence in themselves and their weapon systems. Students will be presented instruction on the fundamental firearm safety rules, conditions of a firearm, common types and nomenclature of pistols, rifles, and carbines, basic firearm fundamentals, and firearms maintenance, cleaning care.

  • Pistol 1

    This class is a one day introductory class designed to provide classroom and live fire instruction for the pistol platform. Instruction will include review of basic firearm safety, pistol platform familiarization, loading and unloading the pistol, pistol shooting fundamentals, and recoil management.

  • Pistol 2

    Pistol 2

    Pistol 2 is designed to be an in-depth pistol training course. This course will push shooters with more advanced pistol instruction. This course will progress from the Pistol 1 class and include instruction on drawing, loading, and reloading the pistol, recoil control, trigger manipulation, varying planes of focus, target transitions, malfunctions and manipulations, barricaded shooting, and shooting on the move.

  • Ladies Only introduction to Firearms

    Ladies Only introduction to Firearms

    This class is a one day introductory class designed specifically for women to provide classroom and live fire instruction for the pistol platform. This class aims to bring Instruction of basic firearm safety, pistol platform familiarization, loading and unloading the pistol, pistol shooting fundamentals, and recoil management in a low stress environment. This class is paced to provide ample instruction and demonstration to ensure confidence in the shooter and firearm.

  • Ladies only Pistol 2

    This class will be the advanced offering to our popular Ladies Only Intro to Firearms class. This course will include instruction on drawing, loading, and reloading the pistol, recoil control, trigger manipulation, varying planes of focus, target transitions, malfunctions and manipulations, barricaded shooting, and shooting on the move.

  • Rifle 1

    This course is a one day course designed to provide shooters basic instruction for the rifle/carbine weapons platform. This class will include classroom and live-fire instruction to include shooting fundamentals, acquiring ballistic zero, Rifle ready positions, loading and unloading, mechanical offset, and recoil management.

  • Rifle 2

    This rifle/carbine course is designed for more advanced instruction with the rifle weapons platform. This course will include advanced instruction on acquiring ballistic zero, high and low port ready positions, target transitions, primary to secondary weapon transitions, malfunctions and manipulations, barricade shooting, shooting on the move, and advanced shooting drills to test speed and accuracy.

  • Basic Trauma Medical Workshop

    This course is designed to provide instruction on basic first line trauma care in a classroom setting. This class will cover diagnosis and treatment of common combat/ firearm related injuries such as gunshot wounds and penetrating trauma. This workshop will provide instruction regarding priority of care using the commonly accepted MARCH pneumonic. This course will offer practical application modules such as tourniquet application, wound packing, and creating and preparing personal trauma kits.

  • Keystone TAC Range Day

    This will be an event held to showcase who we are as a company and a glimpse of our training. This will be a fun event incorporating small modules of instruction and competitions. Food trucks and vendors will be on site.

  • Ballistics Class

    This course is a one day course designed to familiarize students with bullet ballistics and affects. This course will include instruction on internal, transitional, external, and terminal ballistics, different types and calibers of ammunition, and live fire demonstrations of bullet affects on multiple mediums.

  • Maryland Handgun Qualification License

    This is a four hour block class that upon completion will certify Maryland residents for their Handgun Qualification License (HQL). This license is required for MD residents to purchase, rent, or receive a handgun.

  • Maryland Wear and Carry Course

    This course will certify Maryland residents to apply for their Maryland Wear and Carry License. Wear and Carry Permit training is 16 hours of instruction for an original application and 8 hours of instruction for a renewal application. The class will include instruction on state firearm law, home firearm safety, handgun mechanisms and operation, and a component that requires the applicant to demonstrate gun safety and proficiency with a minimum score of 70% accuracy.